Flat Roof Repair

From leaks to blisters to mold, there are many things that can go wrong with your flat roof. Make sure you take care of these small problems before they snowball into larger ones with our flat roof repair.

Leaking roofs are one of the worst things that can happen to a building, and cause the biggest headache. It can be hard to discern where a leak is coming from and it is guaranteed to be nearly impossible for you to fix it alone. A leaking roof is by no means the only reason you may need to have your roof repaired, but it is a very common one.

Reasons for flat roof repair:

  • You have a leak
  • You feel like you might fall through a hole when you walk on the roof
  • You can see cracks and layers of the roof underneath
  • The roof is uneven
  • There is moss growing on the roof- this indicates moisture has seeped into the roof
  • You notice heat doesn’t stay in the building as well as it used to

Signs of a leaking flat roof include:

  • Metal roof deck is rusting from below (visible rust stains or holes in roof deck)
  • Condensation build-up on underside roof deck 
  • Mold or mildew present 
  • Musty or moldy odour present
  • Insulation appears to be black or discoloured
  • Staining on wood, drywall, ceiling tiles, etc.
  • Water stains on the floor

Flat Roof Repair Options

Depending on the severity of the leak you have a couple of options. Before jumping to full roof replacement see if you can have it repaired. This repair can be temporary or permanent, again depending on the problem. Temporary flat roof repairing is cost effective and buys you time to consider all your options and save money for a full replacement.

Permanent flat roof repairs, on the other hand, will last the rest of the roof’s lifetime. That is, until it is in an overall bad enough condition that it needs replacement.

No matter what your roof material there will be both temporary and permanent solutions available. The first two things our inspector will do is identify the material of your flat roof and perform a full inspection from the outside in to determine the full extent of your problem. The problem with your roof may stem from any one or combination, or these things:

  • Water damage to sheeting
  • Structural problems
  • Ventilation problems
  • Insulation problems

After the inspection, we will review the options available to you and the approximate costs of each. The actual repair of the roof will involve a second inspection by our team to make sure nothing was missed the first time and will require our team to move exterior furniture if present and place protective barriers around the work area. This may disrupt entry into the building for a brief but we do our best to allow you to continue on with your day as normal.

Contact FS Roof Systems to set up an inspection of your flat roof and then we’ll present you with our professional replacement recommendations.

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