Residential Flat Roof

Many family homes use flat roofs because of their versatility and modern, sleek look. Contrary to popular belief flat roofs do not leak more than a pitched roof and so you should not be worried about getting one on your home because of this.

Let’s get a few myths about flat roofs out of the way:

Flat roofs can’t support heavy snowfall.

Sure they can. In fact, local building codes require builders to design the building to withstand all major weather effects including snowfall.

Flat roofs leak more.

All types of roofs can leak. Choosing materials that withstand local weather, as well as regular maintenance will decrease the likelihood you will have to fix a leak.

Flat roofs are expensive.

Actually, flat roofs require fewer materials to build and are simpler in design. The cost of materials may be higher upfront but both flat and pitched roofs vary enough that you really have to compare specific roof makes and materials as sometimes a flat roof will be cheaper than a pitched, and vice-versa.

Flat roofs are flat.

Some flat roofs are indeed flat while some have a slope. In either event, we can make sure your roof will be designed to properly drain water and help preserve the life of the roof.

Flat roofs can’t be insulated.

Whether you can insulate your roof or not depends on the dimensions of the structure, but most building have enough space to allow for a flat roof to have insulation.

Flat roofs hold a lot of water.

Yes, some flat roofs naturally hold water for many reasons such as poor design, age of roof, roof deck type, drainage issues, etc.  We can assess your roof and provide solutions to any flat roof issue including water retention. A properly designed flat roof will not hold water.

Leak Protection

The number one concern for most homeowners with a flat roof will be leaking. It’s a valid concern to be sure, but it is easily solved. The solution is to perform regular maintenance and inspections of your roof either yourself if you are knowledgeable or through a contractor like us.

Your flat roof can be a patio or deck, too!

FS Roofing Systems is a certified Tufdek installer and distributor. Let’s have a conversation about adding terrific outdoor living space to your home!

Did you know? A note about warranties.

Most flat roofing product manufacturers do not provide a warranty for the workmanship on residential applications – only for the products they supply. Only commercial, industrial, or institutional applications have access to such warranties. Therefore, choosing the right contractor to install a flat roof on your home is a very important choice to make. The materials installed on your roof are only as good as the installer! Ask us anything – we’ll show you why we’re the right choice for you.

The FS Advantage Maintenance Membership brings you comfort, savings and peace of mind. It includes two annual inspections (spring and fall), minor repairs and discounted replacement costs. Learn more here.

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